Star Wars, is no doubt, one of the biggest frnachise in the world; a common household name. Whilst it holds a lot of praise amongst fans, there has been an era where the world was against this franchise…
The Star Wars sequel trilogy, which consists of the Star Wars films The Force Awakens (2015), The Last Jedi (2017), and The Rise of Skywalker (2019), has been the subject of much debate and controversy among Star Wars fans. Many fans have expressed their dislike for the trilogy and their disappointment with its quality and direction. There are several reasons why the sequel trilogy is hated by fans, which include:

Lack of originality — Many fans feel that the sequel trilogy lacks the originality and creativity of the original trilogy, and that it relies too heavily on nostalgia and fan service. The Force Awakens in particular was criticized for being too similar to the original film, A New Hope, and for lacking a strong and compelling story of its own. The sequels also suffered from a lack of new ideas and concepts, and they were seen as formulaic and uninspired by some fans. The trilogy was also criticized for rehashing familiar plot points and themes, and for not offering anything new or innovative to the franchise.

Weak characters — Some fans have also criticized the sequel trilogy for its weak and uninteresting characters, especially compared to the well-developed and iconic characters of the original trilogy. Characters like Rey, Finn, and Poe were seen as shallow and unmemorable, and their arcs were often considered underwhelming and unsatisfying. The sequels also suffered from a lack of strong and memorable villains, with characters like Snoke and the Emperor being seen as underwhelming and forgettable by many fans. The trilogy was also criticized for failing to develop its characters in meaningful and interesting ways, and for not giving them the depth and complexity that they deserved.

Inconsistent tone and direction — The sequel trilogy has also been criticized for its inconsistent tone and direction, with some fans feeling that it doesn’t know what it wants to be. The Last Jedi in particular was seen as a divisive film that took the series in a new and unexpected direction, which many fans did not appreciate. The sequel trilogy was also seen as lacking a clear and cohesive vision, with many fans feeling that it was disjointed and confusing. The trilogy was also criticized for not having a clear and consistent tone, and for not being able to balance its comedic and dramatic elements in a satisfying way.

Poor handling of legacy characters — Many fans have also been disappointed with the way that the sequel trilogy has handled legacy characters like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Princess Leia. These characters have been central to the Star Wars franchise for decades, and their treatment in the sequel trilogy has been seen as inadequate and disrespectful by some fans. The sequels were also criticized for not properly paying tribute to the original trilogy and its characters, and for not giving them the send-off that they deserved. The trilogy was also criticized for not properly exploring and expanding upon the histories and motivations of these characters, and for not giving them the depth and complexity that they deserved.

Lack of resolution and closure — Finally, many fans have been disappointed with the way that the sequel trilogy has ended, and with the lack of resolution and closure that it has provided. The Rise of Skywalker in particular was seen as rushed and poorly executed, and it left many plot threads and questions unanswered. The ending of the trilogy was also seen as rushed and unsatisfying, and it failed to provide a sense of closure or finality for the characters and the story. The trilogy was also criticized for not providing a satisfying resolution to the conflicts and storylines that it had established, and for not giving the characters and the franchise the ending that they deserved.

Overall, the sequel trilogy has faced a significant amount of backlash from fans, and it has been widely regarded as a disappointment compared to the original trilogy. While there are certainly some fans who have enjoyed